How To Get What You Want
I wrote a collaboration essay with my friend Juan David ( He’s a brilliant guy I would urge you to check out his essays and his work.
The essay was a conversation between me and Juan David on “How To Get What You Want.”
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How To Get What You Want
Hemmingway famously called Paris a moveable feast. His most famous book is called that.
I never read the book.
But the name stuck.
Since hearing the name, I’ve been trying to find my own moveable feast.
For Hemmingway, his memories of Paris were a feast. A feast that nourished him throughout his life... no matter how far he moved away from Paris. In the book’s foreword, it’s described this way:
A memory or even a state of being that had become a part of you, a thing that you could have always with you, no matter where you went or how you lived forever after, that you could never lose. An experience first fixed in time and space or a condition like happiness or love could be afterward moved or carried with you wherever you went in space and time.
I have no moveable feast. I’m still searching for mine.
There are a lot of problems in today’s world that we can point to. Climate change, increasing polarization, mental health problems, etc.
But at the end of all this to me lies a deeper, underlying problem.
None of us lived even a moment in our lives as deeply as Hemmingway lived his.
Why not?
None of us know where to start.
We’ve spent so much of our lives being trained to be sheep. To follow what society, our families, and marketers want us to do. We’ve forgotten how to ask the deeper questions and how to follow our own answers.
We trivialize ourselves with tranquility so as not to feel.
Ultimately, we’ve forgotten to even ask:
Who can I be?
What does nourishment mean to me?
What do I want?
We’ve instead tried to nourish ourselves with what we should do.
We could be Gods, and instead, we’ve become robots.
What do I want?
This is one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves.”
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